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Which one should I use - PrestoDB or Trino ?


First thing to understand is why to use Presto or Trino. 

  • We had been running two clusters specifically Hortonworks (HDP) variant & Cloudera (CDP) variant. 
  • Hive Tables built on HDP were mostly ORC whereas Tables that existed for us on CDP were mostly Parquet.
  • We wanted to add ad-hoc querying functionality to our cluster. And, we came across Apache Impala as an excellent tool for this purposes. 
    • Only CDP supported Apache Impala.
    • Impala had limitation to work with Parquet, Kudu, HBase. Before CDP 6.* there was no support for ORC file format with Impala.
  • Thus, we came to know about PrestoDB, which was built at Facebook, and was an excellent distributed SQL Engine for ad-hoc querying. 
    • It not only supported ORC but has connectors for multiple data sources.

A bit history of Presto - 
  • Developed at Facebook ( 2012)
  • Supported by Presto Foundation establish by Linux Foundation (2019)
    • Original Developers & Linux Foundation get into conflict on naming & branding.
  • Did a hard Fork of PrestoSQL, rebranded it as Trino ( Dec 2020)
    • Supported by non profit org - Trino Software Foundation. 

Initially, we got confused that PrestoSQL is renamed as Trino. But, later we found out that - 
  • Now, there are 2 separate variants-  PrestoDB & Trino.
  • And, certainly have different vision(s).
And, that lead to confusion - as which one to use. Below table depicts, a few high level changes that we could figure out - 



Apache License 2.0, supported by The Presto Foundation hosted by Linux Foundation

Apache License 2.0 and supported by the Trino Software Foundation.

Presto on YARN –

Apache Slider was supported by HDP but not by CDP

Trino on YARN abandoned. - Trino not used at Facebook

False claims of Trino being used at Facebook,makes%20Trino%20better%20than%20Presto.

PrestoDB still leading GitHub Stars

PrestoSQL/ Trino matching up with PrestoDB

Ahana still part of Presto Foundation and supporting PrestoDB

Starburst is  also member of Presto Foundation and managing conformance program with other members, to produce enterprise-grade distributions for Presto, which they develop from Trino. 

But, they still suggest that its same software -

Less inclined towards creating new connectors. Refer -

Seemingly, Trino is more inclined towards creating new connectors, like they already have Atop, Ignite, Kinesis, SingleStore connector which are not there in PrestoDB

Refer -


Presto has worked towards performance

Gains, as listed below –


Aria - push down entire expressions to the data source for some file formats like ORC


Presto Unlimited - create temporary in-memory bucketed tables


dynamic SQL functions


Presto-on-Spark to get ETL Fault Tolerance.


RaptorX Project for Caching


Disaggregated Coordinator  for scaling horizontally.


There are more features which are developed by Ahana -

Trino Lacks these developments of Presto. But, may be supported by Enterprise Starburst

Trino seemed to be next popular buzz in the market at this time. It had increasing GitHub stars, more companies were inclined towards using Trino, Community Support is growing , etc. 

But, we choose PrestoDB over Trino, due to - 
  • Reliability and scalability.

  • We were no interested in new connectors, or docker / cloud at this moment. Our interest were with performance gains like RaptorX caching, Aria scan and predicate pushdown, and Presto on Spark ( for reliability and fault tolerance ) 
  • PrestoDB is hosted by Linux Foundation, giving confidence to us on usage. 

Cloudera added ORC support to Impala. It would be good to benchmark PrestoDB (ORC) against Impala (ORC) to see the right fit.  


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