Shard Shard_0 at Shard_0/ { data: '202.04GiB', docs: 117037098, chunks: 5, 'estimated data per chunk': '40.4GiB', 'estimated docs per chunk': 23407419 } --- Shard Shard_1 at Shard_1/ { data: '201.86GiB', docs: 116913342, chunks: 4, 'estimated data per chunk': '50.46GiB', 'estimated docs per chunk': 29228335 } Per MongoDB- Starting in 6.0.3, we balance by data size instead of the number of chunks. So the 128MB is now only the size of data we migrate at-a-time. So large data size per chunk is good now, as long as the data size per shard is even for the collection. refer -
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