We had been writing to a Partitioned Hive Table and realized that data is being written has sub-folder. For ex- Refer Table definition as below - Create table T1 ( name string, address string) Partitioned by (process_date string) stored as parquet location '/mytable/a/b/c/org=employee'; While writing to table HDFS path being written looks something like this - /mytable/a/b/c/org=employee/ process_date=20220812/ org=employee The unnecessary addition of org=employee after process_date partition is because Hive Table has location consisting "=" operator, which Hive uses as syntax to determine partition column. Re-defining Table resolves above problem - Create table T1 ( name string, address string) Partitioned by (process_date string) stored as parquet location '/mytable/a/b/c/employee';