To provide high availability or load balancing for HiveServer2, Hive provides a function called dynamic service discovery where multiple HiveServer2 instances can register themselves with Zookeeper. Instead of connecting to a specific HiveServer2 directly, clients connect to Zookeeper which returns a randomly selected registered HiveServer2 instance. For example - Below command connects to Hive Server on MachineA beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://machineA: 10000" Below command connects to Zookeeper Node: to determine one of the available Hive Server's to make a connection beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://machineA:2181,machineB:2181,machineC:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2-mob-batch?" We can Create ZNode with Zookeeper as follows - Open Zookeeper command line interface zookeeper-client Connect to Zookeeper Server connect machineA:2181,machineB:2181,machineC:2181 Create ZNode create / hiveserver2-mob-batch Manually, ...