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Showing posts from May, 2020

Non-Equi Left Join with Hive & Spark

A non-equi left join is a join between 2 tables in which join condition is given by operators other than equal to "=". For example - Equi Join - "Table1 join Table2 on (T1.c1=T2.c1)" Non-Equi Join - "Table1 join Table2 on (T2.c1 > T1.c1 and T2.c1<T1.c2)" Hive does not support Non-Equi join. Spark supports Non-Equi join. But, we have seen that it only works when there is a combination of Equi & Non-Equi columns. For example -  Table1 join Table2 on (T1.c3=T2.c3 and T2.c1 > T1.c1 and T2.c1<T1.c2) But, if you just have Non-Equi condition then Spark job fails after sometime with "Future Timeout" exception   Table1 join Table2 on (T2.c1 > T1.c1 and T2.c1<T1.c2) In that scenario, we have to identify additional column on which Equi condition can be specified . It can be a hash value column or something else that matches in Table 1 and Table 2. For example - We had 2 tables and wanted to check if IP is between sta...

Spark - Data Skew - Join Optimization

Sometimes data is unevenly distributed leading to data skew. What it means is a partition has more data due to same/ related keys compared to other partitions. In case of Joins and Aggregations , all  data for same key should be co-located, may be processed by one container/ executor . This may be lead to slowness of application. Solution - If data is small than smaller data set can be broadcasted . Thus, increasing join efficiency. This is governed by property - spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold Identify if there are too many NULL values then filter them out before joining. And , process records with NULL keys separately then do a union with renaming data set.   Salting - To understand salting, Lets understand problem with an example -  Table 1  Key 1 1 1 Table 2 Key 1 1 On joining Table1 with Table 2,  Since this is same key all data should be shuffled to same container or one JVM, which will return 3*2 ro...