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Temporary Tables

Creation Of Temporary Tables The data in a temporary table is private for the session that created it and can be session-specific or transaction-specific. If the data is to deleted at the end of the transaction the table should be defined as follows: CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE my_temp_table ( column1 NUMBER, column2 NUMBER ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; If on the other hand that data should be preserved until the session ends it should be defined as follows: CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE my_temp_table ( column1 NUMBER, column2 NUMBER ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; Export and Import utilities, TRUNCATE, Indexes, Views can be used with/on temporary tables


check constraint (string.string) violated Cause: The values being inserted do not satisfy the named check constraint. Action: Do not insert values that violate the constraint.


integrity constraint - violated - child record Cause: attempted to delete a parent key value that had a foreign key dependency. Action: delete dependencies first then parent or disable constraint.