Clone Git Repo - git clone As of December 2022, the hbase-connectors releases in maven central are only available for Scala 2.11 and cannot be used with Spark 3.x The connector has to be compiled from source for Spark 3.x, see also HBASE-25326 Allow hbase-connector to be used with Apache Spark 3.0 Build as in this example (customize HBase, Spark and Hadoop versions, as needed): mvn -Dspark.version=3.3.1 -Dscala.version=2.12.15 -Dscala.binary.version=2.12 -Dhbase.version=2.4.15 -Dhadoop-three.version=3.3.2 -DskipTests clean package Use Jar with Spark - spark-shell --jars ~/hbase-connectors/spark/hbase-spark/target/hbase-spark*.jar References - Similarly, do build Phoenix connector or use Cloudera Repo to download Spark3 Jar @