Spark Kafka Integration Job leads to error below - Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition; class invalid for deserialization at$ExceptionInfo.newInvalidClassException( at That is because CLASSPATH might be having two or more different version of kafka-clients-*.jar. For example - One may be dependent Jar with "spark-sql-kafka", and other version might be present by default on cluster. For example in our case- AWS EMR had "/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/kafka-clients-" But, we provided following in spark-submit classpath - spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12-2.4.4.jar kafka-clients-2.4.0.jar We tried removing "kafka-clients-2.4.0.jar" from spark-submit --jars but that lead to same error. So, we were finally required to remove EMR provided Jar - "kafka-clients-" to fix...