Execute 'hbck_chore_run' in hbase shell to generate a new sub-report. Hole issue: - verify if region is existing in both HDFS and meta. - If not in HDFS it is data loss or cleared by cleaner_chore already. - If not in Meta we can use hbck2 jar reportMissingInMeta option to find out the missing records in meta - Then use addFsRegionsInMeta option to add missing records back to meta - Then restart Active Master and then assigns those regions Orphan Regions: Refer https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Support-Questions/Hbase-Orphan-Regions-on-Filesystem-shows-967-regions-in-set/td-p/307959 - Do "ls" to see "recovered.edits" if there is no HFile means that region was splitting and it failed. - Replay using WALPlayer hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.WALPlayer hdfs://bdsnameservice/hbase/data/Namespace/Table/57ed0b774aef9158cfda87c945a0afae/recovered.edits/0000000000001738473 Namespace:Table - Move the Orphan region to some temporary location and clean up...