There are 5 types of data types: Strings: Redis string is a sequence of bytes. Strings in Redis are binary safe, having fixed length, So, one can store anything up to 512 megabytes in one string.> SET name "Dinesh Sachdev" OK> get name "Dinesh Sachdev" Hashes: It is a collection of key value pairs. Every hash can store up to 232 - 1 field-value pairs (more than 4 billion).> HMSET user:1 username dineshSachdev password dinesh123 address 123 OK> HGETALL user:1 1) "username" 2) "dineshSachdev" 3) "password" 4) "dinesh123" 5) "address" 6) "123"> HGET user:1 username "dineshSachdev"> HGET user:1 password "dinesh123" Lists: Redis Lists are simply lists of strings, sorted by insertion order. You can add elements to a Redis List on the head or on the tail. 127....